Hang Massive

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Модератор форума: Максимус  
Hang Massive - The Secret Kissing of the Sun and Moon
Чулышман Автор 21.06.2019 / 18:17 / Сообщение 1
Сообщений: 8825
Награды: 33
Репутация: 860

The music of Hang Massive is sourced in the teachings of Balanced View, a global grass-roots organisation for human empowerment and social change. Both Danny and Markus have been students of Balanced View and the founder, Candice O’Denver for many years. Candice is a formal lineage holder of the Nyingma Dzogchen lineage. Candice’s root teachers are H.H. Minling Trichen Rinpoche and Venerable Wangdor Rinpoche.

Мир скучен для скучных людей.
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